PDIU ka dorëzuar sot në Kuvend Rezolutën për Zgjidhjen e Çështjes Çame. Dorëzimi i rezolutës është bërë nga dy deputetët e kësaj force: Shpëtim Idrizi dhe Dashamir Tahiri.
Në një deklaratë para mediave, Idrizi u shpreh se rezoluta është amaneti i mijëra shqiptarëve të Çamërisë që u vranë dhe u masakruan, por është një rezolutë paqeje.
“Rezoluta është testament i atyre mijëra shqiptarëve të Çamërisë që u vranë dhe u masakruan, por dhe një testament i gjallë. Kjo rezolutë nuk i shpall luftë Greqisë, por është një rezolutë paqeje. Nuk është thjesht rezolute e PDIU, por është rezolutë e dy shqiptarëve çamë që i adresohet për mbështetje të gjithë deputetëve dhe popullit shqiptar. Nuk do t’u drejtohemi partive parlamentare, por do t’i drejtohemi ndërgjegjes kombëtare të parlamentarëve shqiptarë”, tha Idrizi për mediat.
Sipas PDIU-së, rezoluta ka 13 pika, të cilat mbështeten dhe marrin në konsideratë qëllimet dhe parimet e larta të Konventës Evropiane për Mbrojtjen e të Drejtave të Njeriut dhe Lirive Themelore, Deklaratën Universale të të Drejtave të Njeriut dhe legjislacionin shqiptar.
Rezoluta kërkon respektimin e të drejtave të komunitetit çam dhe heqjen e ligjit të luftës, specifikisht pikat që cenojnë të drejtën e pronës.
Buenos Aires Albanian Orthodox Church mass for Chameria martyrs
Archbishop +Fan Noli:”TheChames are Albanians and their place is Chameria”
”Chameria is an openwound that bleeds intoeach of us ” Archbishop + Alexander of the Eagles
Good morning, honoured Shkodsahi, Albanian Brothers and Sisters, Beloved Friendship of Albania: I wish you much health and prosperity with your families: On the occasion of the 76th anniversary Genocide Cham, out of cowardly Greek bigotry, where 100,000 Albanians were massacred, 27/6 / 1944 – 2020, today, 8:30 p.m., is held at the Albanian Orthodox Church of Buenos Aires – Argentina, Divine Liturgy (Mesha) and The Spirit Ceremony, in the actual context of 100 days of quarantine here in Argentina from COVID-19…
Chameria je Light of the Albanian Nation!!! The Chame’s wounds never closed!!! Chameria is an open wound that bleeds into each of us!!! Homage to all those Martyrs who were massacred!!! Sowe remember with honor and respect and a lot of pain, in Argentina, and the world, on the Anniversary of the Cham Genocide, the Greek Sovinism Genocide on the Albanian population 27/6 / 1944 – 2020!!! All this horror and massacre began on the night of June 27, 1944, the zervis, the tins fell at night in Paramith, like butchers in the slaughterhouse, with butchers, the killed reached over 600 people… It should not be forgotten, because through they killed us, massacred us, and invaded us!!! We as a Nation must react to the whiteness of these human crime and return the National Dignity to Chameria!!! We all Albanians have an obligation to do Homage!!! Honor of much endless respect for all those who were forsaily perseforated from the lands of their homes!!! We don’t forget the Genocide of the Cham People, it’s Albanian Blood!!! Chameria, we don’t forget you, holocaust of human consciousness, cry and denounce!!! Day of mourning today for our Nation!!! Nor, in any way do we forget that of 1914!!! Albania lives in their Heroes and Martyrs!!! Homage to all those Martyrs who were massacred!!! A wee respect for all those who were forsaily persemenaded from the lands of their homes!!! Remember your brother Cham and the Genocide of your people… This is Albanian blood!!! The Turkish Genocide, Serbs and Greeks must not be forgotten, for centuries have made Genocide and barbarism on the Albanian population!!! Glory and rest in Peace!!! Eternal memory!!! The chameria returns our lands to Nene Albania!!! One and a thousand times I will repeat the holy cry: Glory to the Deshmores, then Life, and do your glorious work, which future generations should keep as a holy thing for our People, whether Bektashi, Muslim, Atheist or Christian, come near your Blood: Chameria is never forgotten!!! Long live Chameria and Chamet!!! Albania lives in their Heroes and Martyrs!!! Glory to the Witnesses of the Nation!!! Roft Kombi Albanian!!! Glory to the Witnesses of the Nation who fell for Liberation!!! Glory to the witnesses sacrificed in defense of the Homeland!!! Their great-great-grandfather blood became a shining tail for the Union of the People and the Nation in the natural one!!! Long live Chameria and Chamet!!! Long live the Republic of Chamerise!!! Rrnoft Cameria and her Kreshnik people!!! In the Glory of Our Albanian Nation forever!!! Roft Kombi Albanian!!! Long live Ethnic Albania!!! ! I Lyric is Illyrian!!! Autoctonous!!! Arbri’s soul never dies!!! God bless the beautiful Race Illyrian!!! God bless Albania and Albanians, with all the red and black Nation everywhere are in the world!!! Humble servant of God and Albania, Your Transgression Of My Lord
+Alexander i Eagles, Archbishop – Son I
Eagle Live United Albania!!!
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